Top 10 New Year's Resolution for 2012

Every New Year, we plan well and stay determined to fulfill those resolutions.  But somehow only a few have the willpower to keep up their resolutions.

If you haven’t made your list of resolutions yet,  here are the Top 10 New Year’s Resolution for 2012

Have you heard about Tomatina?

Tomatina is an annual festival that is held in the Valencian town of Bunol.  Participants of this festival throw tomatoes at each other.

Watch the fun in this video clip!

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Space Hotel to be opened by Russia in 2016

Imagine having a hotel in Space !!!

A Russian company by the name of Orbital Technologies plans to build the world's first space hotel.

Natural Remedy for Indigestion

Indigestion is a common problem and can be treated with simple home remedies.  If you ignore this condition, it may get worse over time.   

So here is a list of things you can do at home and that is an effective remedy for indigestion.

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